★★★☆☆A Werewolf in Manhattan is about Emma and Aiden. The only reason that I gave this book 3 stars is because I really liked Aiden and it had a good storyline. He was a nice and genuinely caring person. He seriously didn't deserve the way he was treated by Emma. Emma was a complete snob. She's one of those people who has her own beliefs about the way things should be and if anyone else is different than they must be wrong. I liked her at first until she kept getting more and more worked up about Aiden's money. Like it's his fault he was born with money. Then there were her beliefs about the environment and my gosh nobody better disagree with her there. Aiden seemed to think she had spirit. I did not, I just found it annoying. Poor Aiden should have found another girl.

A Werewolf in the North Woods was a little bit better than A Werewolf in Manhattan but I still didn't feel like it was a 4 star book. This one is about Aiden's brother Roark and Abby. Roark is visiting another pack to help with the backlash from Abby's grandfather's bigfoot sighting on the other pack's land. It was a cute story but at the same time the whole I shouldn't be with a human thing gets kinda old. I liked both Roark and Abby and found the treck to find bigfoot with a geek that they picked up along the way highly entertaining.

Werewolf in Seattle was a lot better than the previous two books in the series. Perhaps because they are both werewolf's? But still there's the whole she's half-human. *gasp* What a scandal. I liked Colin and Luna a lot. There was a great storyline with a few surprises along the way. Colin goes to America to sell the house of his aunt that had died... but Luna doesn't want him to sell because it's the only home that she's been happy at since her human mother died when she was 8. This is one of those pretty much love-at-first-sight-but-too-stupid-to-realize-it books.
Werewolf in Denver was the best book out of all 4 that I read from this series. Duncan is Colin's brother from the last book. In Werewolf in Seattle Colin rushes back to Scotland to talk his brother out of mating with a human. Duncan realizes that he was only wanting to mate with her to make a point that werewolfs should be able to mate with humans. In Werewolf in Denver he takes that to a whole new level by being the leader of a group called WOOF that wants to out themselves to humans. Standing in his way is Kate leader of HOWL. She wants to keep the secrets. She of course is a werewolf. Not what Duncan thought he'd fall for. Kate didn't expect to fall for him either. This book was hilarious. Especially the werewolf version of Twitter.
There is one more book in this series that is out already and that is Werewolf in Alaska. The problem is it's main character is Jake who I couldn't stand in Werewolf in Denver. I hate it when authors make us hate a character and then expect us to just like them in the next book. Jake hates humans so of course the book is about him and a human neighbor Rachael. I read several reviews trying to decide whether to listen to this one too and decided against it. It seems that it's more of the same humans are bad, bla, bla, bla. So there you have it... my reviews on 1-4 and why I didn't read 5. If you're looking for some funny werewolf humor than you might like this series. The books get better and better with each one.
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