Green Frog Umbrella

Monday, October 14, 2013

Table for Three (Hold the Blood #1) ★★★★☆

Author: Bobbi Romans

I was intrigued by the idea of an erotic horror story.  Now, I haven't read anything made to be scary since John Saul books over 10 years ago.  A lot of my books have some gore in them though so that didn't bother me at all.  I'm always up for a little menage story and that aspect didn't disappoint. One thing you'll need to realize is that this is more like a novella and that from what I can tell it was meant to be funny.  The chapter titles make it seem that way at least.

I loved the names: Shana, Erron and Marklon.  I would liked to have more about how they met... I guess I just like that part of romance stories a bit more than other parts.  Although I did like all three, the story was too short to really get to know any of them.  They seemed to have a great relationship.  There were a few parts of the book that did freak me out.  Especially since I was only reading it at night, hehe.

So for what the story is: a short, humorous, erotic thriller... it is great.  As I've said, I wish it was longer.  I think there is actually more books in this series so perhaps I will get my wish.  I have liked everything I've read by Bobbie Romans so far and I plan to read more.  I'm looking forward to the new swamp shifters book.  (hint hint)   I have a feeling I will be looking into reading similar books to this.  I have been feeling like I have boxed myself into one genre and it's time to explore new things!  Broaden my book genre horizons perhaps?  We'll see.  ;)

I have no favorite quote so I will instead put my favorite chapter title:

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thank you. I just ran across this and am so glad you enjoyed. Yes, was meant as a parody of sorts, from the 80's fun horror flick days. I mean hello... Friday the 13th was gorey, BUT then Bam, Kevin Bacon. Ya know? *wink*


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